It’s 3:47 AM and I am in fumes!
Just see this mail I got from PayPal India:
So, I can’t shop online using PayPal or can’t sell anything more than $500!
Looks like RBI has one mission:
To send Indian Economy back to dark ages by making sure that we are not able to work online as freelancers or bloggers with peace.
Essentially, it means that process is being complicated for us. How?
Before changes, all I had to do was just get the money from a client or advertiser and spend when I wanted.
Now, I have to transfer money to my bank account after getting it and use my Credit/Debit card when I have to shop. Ahh! More steps, more steps.
Good work by monkeys sitting in RBI office. Do not do anything about poverty or corruption etc., just make life worse for us.
I am getting another thing to my goals right this movement:
Get out of India! Get a U.S. citizenship where at least I can work without such foolish decisions from RBI!
Still fuming!