“This feature is urgent”. Urgency is ruining the software!

As software engineers, we are used to hearing “please do it fast/urgent” or other variations. Such requests by clients and managers may be ruining our work.

February 22, 2016 · 3 min · Ishan Sharma

Rotten And Expensive Apples

When “high-performance processors, graphics and storage” mean 1.6 Ghz Core i5 and 500 GB, 5400 RPM HDD and flagship phones cost highest in a price sensitive market, something is definitely wrong. Read my half-facts, half-opinion based piece about things Apple is doing wrong in India

October 21, 2015 · 4 min · Ishan Sharma

What makes a Mac different?

Everyone says that Mac is different and better than Windows. What makes it better?

October 18, 2015 · 2 min · Ishan Sharma

Why Stannis Baratheon Has Best Claim To Iron Throne

Spoiler alert: This post contains show spoilers. Only proceed if you have watched Season 5.

June 4, 2015 · 4 min · Ishan Sharma

iPhone 4 Reintroduced in India for Rs. 22,900(~$370). This is Bad News.

There was a rumour about Apple reintroducing iPhone 4 in India a couple of days back. When a friend told me, I was hoping this would not happen. Today, I woke up to the news of Apple reintroducing iPhone 4. That too on the front page of newspaper. A full page advertisement showing iPhone 4 and iOS 6! And on the back side, iPhone 4S (forgetting to even mention the 5S and 5C!). ...

January 23, 2014 · 3 min · Ishan Sharma

Dear Evernote Team

Jason Kincaid recently wrote Evernote: The Bug Ridden Elephant. This post made to top of Hacker News and echoes lot of thoughts that I have about Evernote. I know it is heartbreaking to see something like this said about your product, but this is what many users think, just see the comments on Hacker News. I consider myself a not so heavy user but I too face quite some issues. And instead of fixing them, you go on making new products and adding new features. I am not against new features but please improve a few things. ...

January 4, 2014 · 2 min · Ishan Sharma

4 Types Of Clients Developers Get

As a developer, you will find 4 types of clients. The CEO, the manager, the semi designer and the angel. Learn more about them in the post.

August 5, 2013 · 2 min · Ishan Sharma

Goodbye Infibeam, I'm Not Ordering From You Ever Again!

In India, there’s a certain mentality that seems to be there. And it’s not customer is always right! It’s about providing service. And unlike many companies who are totally head over heels about providing fantastic customer service, Indian companies are about providing least good service. Just a bit better than the competition. Latest example I have seen is Infibeam. They are an old player in online shopping in India. They’re more like Microsoft on online shopping, without deep pockets. Outflanked by competition and playing catch up. (Flipkart outdid them with better design. They have recently started improving.) ...

June 16, 2013 · 3 min · Ishan Sharma


Sharda University Started Censoring Internet Recently, I ask students to protest!

January 23, 2013 · 1 min · Ishan Sharma

Why I Hate Samsung

In short, because Samsung is the kid who copies, and I hate them. For long version, click headline

August 30, 2012 · 2 min · Ishan Sharma