Will You Remain Average or Not?
Will You Remain Average or Not?
It is easy to imitate others but can imitations perform just as good and look better? I say no!
Whenever you learn something, there’s one thing you can be sure of: It’ll never go wasted. Steve Jobs’, in his famous Stanford Commencement Speech told how all the calligraphy he had learned in his college after dropping out(yes, he did learn after dropping out!) helped him out later when designing the user interface for Mac. I recently had a similar experience. I had learned SQL in 11th and 12th grade and at that time, I thought that it was of no use....
Just read Two Mechanics by David Masters. And remembered a discussion with my roommate about Apple and Samsung last night. Now that I’m owner of iPhone 4S, I can say a thing about design and functionality. When you use iPhone, it works beautifully. Everything is magical. And I love that. When it comes to Samsung and Google, I do not essentially hate them. But I do hate their bad designs and poor experience....
What would life be like if we do everything with same energy and enthusiasm? Let’s discover!
How to stick to decisions and tasks?
Over the years, I have noticed a pattern. And it has repeated year after year. I call it marketing pattern, at least in blogging! A new “authority figure” appears on a big blog or a bunch of blogs. They do lot of guest posts. They give “something” for free. A book, a free webinar or something similar. They start a course. Next month, they are nowhere to be seen around....
I have never waited for any WordPress version as I have for WordPress 3.3. Why? Because WordPress 3.2 had a strange but irritating bug that basically drove me mad! When you added bullet list, the next paragraph will start as a div! While a small bug, it meant that paragraph formatting would not work. Hitting enter would then move the pointer to next line only. My workaround was to write some words first and then insert list above them!...
Apple products have very simple philosophy, It Just Works. That is why no one else can make an iPod or iPhone! Read on to see why Apple is Apple and my final say on Apple vs. anything debate.
I just got a new profile pic. After 2 years!