Dear Evernote Team
Jason Kincaid recently wrote Evernote: The Bug Ridden Elephant. This post made to top of Hacker News and echoes lot of thoughts that I have about Evernote. I know it is heartbreaking to see something like this said about your product, but this is what many users think, just see the comments on Hacker News. I consider myself a not so heavy user but I too face quite some issues. And instead of fixing them, you go on making new products and adding new features. I am not against new features but please improve a few things. ...
Goodbye Infibeam, I'm Not Ordering From You Ever Again!
In India, there’s a certain mentality that seems to be there. And it’s not customer is always right! It’s about providing service. And unlike many companies who are totally head over heels about providing fantastic customer service, Indian companies are about providing least good service. Just a bit better than the competition. Latest example I have seen is Infibeam. They are an old player in online shopping in India. They’re more like Microsoft on online shopping, without deep pockets. Outflanked by competition and playing catch up. (Flipkart outdid them with better design. They have recently started improving.) ...
Batman: Arkham City
It is plainly the second best game I’ve ever played. Well, I am a bit biased towards Assassin’s Creed 2 because of its medieval setting (I love swords and blades) and a somewhere better character, Ezio. But Batman is not far behind. I love the approach. All the survey and analysis that Batman does while sitting comfortably on a Gargoyle is just great. It gives you a sense of being a predator. ...
What Will You Be Remembered For?
We are like a grain of sand on a planet which is like a grain of sand in a galaxy which is like a grain of sand in the universe! What will you leave?
Why I Hate Samsung
In short, because Samsung is the kid who copies, and I hate them. For long version, click headline
Screw You, Extroverts
My answer to extroverts who think that being an extrovert is a crime!
Artists, Engineers, Apple, Google, Samsung
Are these different? No! There a lot of similarities here. Read on to find how Apple, Google and Samsung are related. And why I love Apple and not other two.
Google Will Stay Google, And Why I Switched To Safari
I recently switched to Apple’s Safari from Google Chrome. Read why I did that and what made me switch from Google’s Chrome
Will You Remain Average or Not?